子育ての階段 生活

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God Father

 The Godfather in Italy had found out that one of the Family members in America was fiddling the books.

 He decided to deal with the problem himself and as he could not speak English, took an interpreter with him.

 He had three suspects and desided to put each through the third degree to find guilty one.

 The Godfather interrogated the first suspect, holding a gun to his head.

 "I'm innocent!" he cried. "I swear on my mother's grave."

 The interpreter said to the Godfather, "It wasn't him. He swears on his mother's grave."

 The second suspect was interrogated.

 He also swore his innocence and swore on the hearts of his wife and children.

 The interpreter repeated his denial to the Godfather.

 The third suspect was brought in. He quickly broke down.

 "I did it!" he said. "But, please, be merciful. Do not kill me. The million dollars I stole is in a suitcase under my bed."

 "What did he say?" asked the Godfather.

 The interpreter replied, "He said he did it, he spent all the money and he bets that you haven't got the balls to pull the trigger."


 彼は自分自身で問題を解決することに決め、 英語を話すことが出来ないので通訳を連れて行きました。




 通訳はゴッドファーザーに 「彼ではありません。彼は母親の墓に誓うと言っています。」 と伝えました。




 3人目の容疑者が連れてこられました。 彼はすぐに崩れ落ちました。

 「私がやりました。」彼は言いました。 「だけど、お願いだ、ご慈悲を。殺さないでくれ、 私が盗んだ$1ミリオンはベッドの下のスーツケースに入っている。」

 「私がやりました。」彼は言いました。 「だけど、お願いだ、ご慈悲を。殺さないでくれ、 私が盗んだ$1ミリオンはベッドの下のスーツケースに入っている。」


 通訳は返事しました。 「やったのは私だ。盗んだ金はすべて使ってしまった。 俺はあんたが引き金を引く根性があるとは思わねぇ。」


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Illustration by ふわふわ。り. Base template by WEB MAGIC.