子育ての階段 生活

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ブロンドジョーク 7

 The blonde walked into the hairdressing salon and insisted that hair dresser cut around the earphones of the iPod she was wearing.


 The stylist did as he was asked.


 This happened regularly for ten months. Finally, the hairdresser couldn't resist any longer, so, while he was giving her a haircut, he pulled the earphones out.


 The blonde collapsed to the floor, gasping, and within minutes, died...


 An ambulance was calle, but she could not be resuscitated. The hairdresser picked up the earphones to hear what she had been listening to.

 救急車が呼ばれましたが蘇生させられませんでした。 美容師は彼女が何を聞いていたのか確かめるためイヤホンを拾い上げました。

 He put them on and heard, "Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale..."


 *さすがに実際にここまではいないと思いますが、 このジョークも良く聞いたもののひとつでした。

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Illustration by ふわふわ。り. Base template by WEB MAGIC.